January 22, 2012

  • Split the Stars

    My heart races – my life’s stitched together by strings.

    Hanging from a balance beam, winds have bruised my wings.

    Tottering, I’m torn but not destroyed.

    Aching, my heart’s injured but not void.

    This world stings me – it sets me on the chopping board.

    Through trials and tribulations, I call out to my Lord.

    God, my feet are weary, shaking from harsh conditions. 

    Eyelashes coated in frost, I need to see the mission.

    Melt away this ice that coats me from within.

    Feet of boots a featherweight – ignite my dance with harp and violin.

    Will you split the grey skies with your radiant existence?

    God, call forth the stars, hidden in the Milky Way distance!

    Shroud me with the colors of the sunset and bathe me in the rain.

    Place a new song in me. Direct my passion to praise your name.

    I will follow the trail of illuminated dust – written in the sky.

    I will trust the rustic integrity traced out in your eyes.

    Like Columbus set sail on an adventure based on devotion,

    May my life reflect a wheel – by your words I’m set to motion!

    You are the navigator – the Captain of my ship.

    I’ll hold the compass, while you direct the steps of  my trip.

    With eyes like fire, my Commander-in-Chief terrifies my foes.

    When waters slap against me, I’ll stand strong in repose.

    Kimberly Willingham

    Amos 5: 8

    “Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name…”

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